Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What an incredible journey...

The latest news from Bethel...

Todd Bentleys in town this week, which should be amazing, culminating in a city wide healing crusade. Come on! Last week during outreach on Treasure Hunt we went to the Supermarket and the park, resulting a Healing and prayer needs being met. Pretty cool. Derek and myself prayed for a woman who had fallen out of the 2nd story window of a building and ruined her spine 8 years ago. Shed been in pain and all her back & neck were messed up. So we prayed and the power hit her back and immediately she could move with less pain and so she tested it out and she was more flexible than shed been in years! JESUS was healing a back and neck. We encouraged her with some other prophetic words and so that was pretty cool....

Latest hit lines: 'Has anyone prayed for you yet this week ?'

'I'm a fan of instantaneous, hows it feeling now ?'


Blogger RachSmart said...

Hey Dan, its GREAT to hear all the amazing signs of the Kingdom breaking in Redding. Just wanted to say hey really. Street teams hear is just amazing and everytime it just gets better and we see more of God's awesome love and power!!! woop woop! Im on teaching practice at the mo, but I love it - something changed in my heart and I now love teaching practice and can't wait to be a teacher - can you believe it! It's such an answer to prayer!!! yay!!! Unfortunately it is a lot of work so I must leave it there and get back to planning, all good fun! God Bless you LOADS!!!
ps - did you know I was off to Burundi at Easter?! Can't wait!

1:50 PM  

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